5.8.1. Removal, дефектовка and camshaft installationThe camshaft is established in the separate case fixed on a head of the block of cylinders by the same bolts, as a head on the block. Therefore for camshaft replacement it is required to turn out these bolts and to remove from a head of the block the camshaft case.
It be required to you: the same tools, as for removal of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism (Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism see and replacement of its tension roller), a back cover of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism ( Removal and installation of the oil pump see ), a cover of a head of the block of cylinders ( Replacement of a lining of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders see ), and also a face head on 13, keys on 12, on 14, on 19, динамометрический a key.
3. Turn out three bolts of fastening of an arm of the coil of ignition to the camshaft case …
4. … also remove an arm.
Under an arm of fastening of the coil of ignition the rubber sealing ring is established. Strongly pressed out, hardened or torn ring replace.
5. Loosen the a collar of fastening of a bringing hose of system of ventilation картера the engine …
6. … also disconnect a hose from a branch pipe of the case of a camshaft.
8. Loosen the an inhaling of two bolts of fastening of a persistent flange of a camshaft.
9. Loosen the a tension also remove a drive belt газораспределительного the mechanism from a gear pulley of a camshaft (Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism and replacement of its tension roller see).
Fig. 5.4. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders
12. Turn out ten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders to the block in sequence, return shown on fig. 5.4, in three steps: turn out bolts on a half-turn, turn out bolts for a half-turn, definitively turn out bolts.
Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders it is possible to turn on only on the cold engine.
13. Take bolts and remove the camshaft case.
14. Turn out definitively two bolts of fastening of a persistent flange of a camshaft, shift a camshaft back and remove a flange.
15. Take out a camshaft from the case, shifting it back.
At extraction of a camshaft from the case be cautious: do not damage sharp edges of cams of a surface of support under camshaft necks.
16. Examine a camshaft. On шпоночной to a flute and a carving on a shaft sock there should not be damages and deterioration, and in проточке under a persistent flange — traces of excessive deterioration and забоин. Surfaces of basic necks and cams should be well polished, without damages. If there are traces of jammings, an overheat, deep risks or steps from deterioration, replace a shaft.
Polishing of cams of a camshaft for elimination of step deterioration is forbidden, as at change of the sizes of a profile of cams phases timing will be broken.
17. Measure diameters of basic necks of camshafts and their bearings, calculate backlashes in bearings of the shaft, defined by a difference between diameters of their bearings in a head of cylinders and diameters of necks (tab. 5.1). At the deterioration exceeding admissible, replace a camshaft as repolishing of necks for the repair size is not provided.
Table 5.1 Maximum permissible diameters of necks and backlashes in camshaft bearings
18. Establish a camshaft extreme necks on two prisms placed on a testing plate, and measure by the indicator palpation of average necks. At palpation more than 0,02 mm or несоосности necks replace a shaft as its editing is not supposed.
At installation of a new camshaft levers of valves replace new. Before the first start-up of the engine and for improvement of conditions extra earnings are recommended to be added in engine oil противозадирную an antifrictional additive.
19. Establish the camshaft greased with engine oil in its case and fix a persistent flange.
Lining of a head of the block of cylinders necessarily replace new.
Before installation put hermetic on all surface привалочной to a surface of the case of a camshaft to a head of the block of cylinders.
21. Establish a back cover of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism, a gear pulley of a camshaft and a drive belt газораспределительного the mechanism ( Removal and installation of the oil pump see ).
22. Adjust a tension of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism (Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism and replacement of its tension roller see).
23. Establish all earlier removed details in an order, the return to removal.