4.3.1. Check and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steeringIt be required to you: keys, an assembly shovel.
1. Check up a tension of a belt pressing of a finger a belt branch between pulleys of the generator and the hydraulic booster pump. By pressing with effort 100 Н (10 кгс) the belt deflection should make 10–15 mm.
For tension check it is possible to use scales-steelyards, delaying their hook a belt branch.
2. For adjustment of a tension of a belt ослабьте a bolt of fastening of the generator to a tension lath.
3. Loosen the two nuts of bolts of the bottom fastening of the generator to the block of cylinders of the engine, keeping bolts from проворачивания.
The photo of fastening of the generator is for descriptive reasons made from under the car. Weaken nuts from above from подкапотного spaces.
4. For a belt tension move the generator from the block of cylinders, using the big screw-driver (or an assembly shovel) as the lever, and tighten a bolt of fastening of the generator to a tension lath. For easing of a tension of a belt move the generator to the block of cylinders.
5. Tighten nuts of bolts of fastening of the generator to the block of cylinders of the engine.