4.3.27. Greasing of armature of a bodyFor increase in service life of a body grease rubbing details at each maintenance service (not less often than through 10 000 km of run or once a year). At occurrence of scratches, jammings at once clear corresponding details, and then put greasing (the greasing type is specified in brackets).
It is necessary to grease a body in following points.
1. Loops of doors (engine oil).
2. A finger and the mechanism of the terminator of opening doors (engine oil).
3. Locks of doors (silicone greasing).
4. Cylinders of switches of locks of doors …
5. … and a luggage carrier (silicone greasing in aerosol packing).
6. Loops …
7. … and the lock of a cowl (engine oil).
8. The hinge of an external mirror (silicone greasing in aerosol packing).
9. A lock latch (silicone greasing in aerosol packing) …
10. … and loops of a cover of a luggage carrier (engine oil).
11. Rubber уплотнители doors …
12. … and a luggage carrier aperture (silicone greasing in aerosol packing).
13. We recommend to grease also clamps of backs of a back seat (engine oil).