11.9.3. Replacement стеклоподъемника a forward doorСтеклоподъемники forward doors are equipped by the electric drive. In the given subsection removal and installation directly электростеклоподъемника are described only. Removal and installation of the block of management эpower windows are described in section 10 "Electric equipment" ( Replacement of blocks of management эpower windows see ).
The key on 10 is required to you.
To take glass from a door it is unessential, enough to disconnect it from стеклоподъемника and to fix in extreme top position, for example, by means of a screw-driver, pieces хлорвиниловой tubes of suitable diameter or a painting adhesive tape.
3. Separate pad a plait of wires стеклоподъемника.
4. Turn away seven nuts of fastening стеклоподъемника to the internal panel of a door …
5. … also take стеклоподъемник from a door cavity through an assembly aperture in its internal panel.
6. Establish стеклоподъемник and all removed details in an order, the return to removal.