11.9.11. Replacement of glass of a back doorIt be required to you: a face head on 10, a screw-driver with a crosswise edge.
1. Lower glass downwards.
3. Remove external подоконную an overlay, overcoming effort of its spring holders.
4. Turn out three screws of fastening of an external angular overlay of a door …
5. … also remove an overlay.
6. Take a sealant of glass from directing …
7. … then remove a sealant from the top part of a framework of a door and half from a forward part of a framework.
8. Turn out top …
9. … and the bottom bolts of fastening of a door directing to the panel.
10. Holding glass, turn out two screws of fastening of a holder of glass to ползуну стеклоподъемника …
11. … also take glass from a door, taking out it upwards and turning in a doorway, as is shown in a photo.
12. Establish glass of a back door and all removed details in an order, the return to removal.