8.4.4. Replacement of the steering mechanismThe steering mechanism remove for repair or replacement, and also for replacement of the damaged protective cover. However consider that the steering mechanism is the major element of safety of movement. Bad quality repair of the mechanism can lead to serious consequences, therefore if necessary repair it only in a specialised workshop or replace new.
To remove the steering mechanism for replacement it is possible as in gathering with steering draughts (выпрессовав fingers of tips of draughts from rotary levers of telescopic racks), and without them.
Work is shown with a detachment of steering draughts from the mechanism.
It be required to you: keys on 12, on 16, a face head on 12.
1. Establish the car on a viewing ditch and brake a lay brake.
2. Establish a steering wheel in position of rectilinear movement of the car.
3. Loosen the an inhaling of bolts of fastening of the left forward wheel.
4. Поддомкратьте also establish on support a forward part of the car.
5. In car salon under the panel of devices turn out a bolt клеммового flange connections муфты with a shaft of a shaft-gear wheel of the steering mechanism.
Screw (without tightening) one of bolts back in рейку that the directing lath was not displaced rather рейки.
7. … remove a basic plate and two washers.
8. Turn on two nuts of fastening of hydraulic pipelines (большего diameter) to the case of the distributor of the steering mechanism and take pipelines aside (only on the cars equipped with the hydraulic amplifier of a steering).
Take the measures preventing вытекание a working liquids from pipelines, having muffled them, for example, wooden stoppers.
9. Turn out a bolt of the top fastening скобы and a nut of the bottom.
10. Similarly turn out a bolt and turn away a nut of fastening of the second скобы the steering mechanism.
Самоконтрящиеся nuts are not intended for a reuse, at assemblage replace their new.
11. Shift the steering mechanism towards the engine, remove from it a rubber sealant …
12. … also remove the steering mechanism from the car, having taken out it through an aperture in a niche of the left wheel.
13. Remove скобы fastenings...
14. … and rubber support.
15. Turn on two nuts of fastening of tubes.
16. Бокорезами have a bite a collar of fastening of a protective casing, remove a collar (at assemblage replace a collar new)...
17. … and the rubber plug. Similarly remove a collar and the plug on the opposite end of a casing …
18. … also remove a protective casing.
Fig. 8.4. Neutral position рейки, corresponding to rectilinear movement of the car: 1 – bolts of fastening of steering draughts; 2 – the right steering draught; 3 – a casing картера the steering mechanism; 4 – the left steering draught; 5 – картер the steering mechanism; 6 – the left support
19. Establish details and the steering mechanism in an order, the return to removal. At installation of the steering mechanism pay attention to that рейка was on the average (neutral) position, the size And (fig. 8.4) between an axis of symmetry of heads of steering draughts and deepening of a seat of the left rubber support made 325 mm, and steering wheel position corresponded to rectilinear movement. Thus the coupling bolt 2 (fig. 8.5) клеммового flange connections муфты with a shaft of a shaft of a steering wheel should be in horizontal position over a steering shaft.
Fig. 8.5. Муфта a steering wheel shaft: 1 – a steering wheel shaft; 2 – the top coupling bolt; 3 – муфта; 4 – the bottom coupling bolt