3.1.1. The general receptions of start-up of the engineReceptions of start-up of the engine with system of injection of fuel same at any temperature of external air and a liquid in system of cooling of the engine.
For start-up it is enough to include only a starter, without touching an accelerator pedal. The control system of the engine will independently establish parametres of giving of fuel necessary for start-up and an ignition advancing.
1. Open a cowl, having pulled on itself the handle of a drive of its lock.
2. Маслоизмерительным щупом measure oil level. It should be between labels MAX and MIN.
3. Check up levels brake …
4. … and cooling liquids.
5. Attentively examine the engine and подкапотное space. Pay attention on begin to flow gasoline, oil, brake and cooling liquids. Be convinced of integrity of electroconducting. Check up landing of high-voltage wires in nests of the coil of ignition, on candles.
6. Without closing a cowl (in case of a rain or a snowfall cover it), get into the car. Include ignition, having turned a key in the ignition switch in position ON. The electrogasoline pump Thus will join. Start up the engine, having turned a key in the ignition switch in position START.
The cowl is better for closing after the engine will start to work. Before it it is desirable to examine once again the engine, to be convinced of absence of leaks of fuel, the oil, a cooling liquid, and also extraneous sounds in its work.
If for any reason during unsuccessful attempt of start-up spark plugs are filled in", take advantage of a mode of a purge of cylinders. For this purpose press an accelerator pedal against the stop and include a starter. In this mode fuel giving is absent and from cylinders a stream of fresh air superfluous gasoline leaves — spark plugs dry. After a purge repeat start-up attempt regularly.
If the engine was not got, there are three principal causes:
– The start-up system does not work;
– The ignition system does not work;
– The power supply system does not work.
Besides the listed principal causes, the engine can not be started up at malfunction of the valve of a purge of an adsorber or owing to подсоса air through connections of hoses of system of catching of steams of fuel.