Chevrolet Lanos (since 2004 of release)
1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance service
5. The engine
6. Transmission
7. A running gear
8. A steering
9. Brake system
10. An electric equipment
11. A body
11.1. Features of a design
11.2. Possible malfunctions of a body, their reason and ways of elimination
11.3. Removal, dismantling and installation of bumpers
11.4. Removal and installation of facing of a radiator
11.5. Removal and installation of mudguards of wheels and Lockers
11.6. Removal and installation of a forward wing
11.7. Removal and installation of a lattice of a box air flow
11.8. A cowl
11.9. Doors
11.10. A luggage carrier cover
11.11. A cover of the hatch of a bulk pipe of a fuel tank
11.12. Seats
11.13. Removal and installation of facing of a tunnel of a floor
11.14. System of passive safety (SRS)
11.15. Rear-view mirrors
11.16. The panel of devices
11.17. A heater and the conditioner
11.18. Salon armature
11.19. Removal and installation of facings of salon
11.20. Removal and installation of facings of a luggage carrier
11.21. A screen wiper of a wind window
11.22. Replacement motionless glazing bodies
11.23. Removal and installation of a shelf of fastening of the storage battery
11.24. Care of a body
11.24.1. A car sink
11.24.2. Polishing of a paint and varnish covering
11.24.3. An engine sink
11.24.4. Anticorrosive protection of a body
11.24.5. Preparation and anticorrosive processing of the latent cavities of a body
11.24.6. Body hermetic sealing
11.24.7. Care of panels of furnish of the salon, made of polymeric materials
11.24.8. Care of an upholstery and salon rugs
12. Wheels and tyres
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Councils to the beginning mechanic
18. Appendices
19. Electric equipment schemes



11.24.2. Polishing of a paint and varnish covering

Do not store the car under прорезиненным a cover and do not put on the painted surfaces of a body rubber subjects: they leave on a paint and varnish covering (especially light) dark stains which do not leave polishing.

For preservation of appearance of a body and the maintenance its long time in a good condition is necessary to polish a paint and varnish covering of a body periodically. Polishing means select according to a covering condition, strictly observe recommendations about their application.
The first 2–3 months of operation of the car wash a covering of a body with cold water. For polishing of a new covering (till 3 years) use безабразивные polishing means for new coverings.
At operation of the car from 3 till 5 years are recommended автополироли for the exposed to the wind coverings which structure includes a small amount of abrasive substances. In 5 years of intensive operation apply автополироли to old coverings.
In order to avoid drying полироля process a body a pure flannel manually small sites.
For elimination of minor defects of a paint and varnish covering it is possible to use polishing pastes ПМА-1 or ПМА-2. It is possible to polish manually and mechanically flannel or beaver-lamb circles.
Before the use mix paste, at загустении dilute with its water. After polishing wipe a surface a pure flannel.
Small сколы and the scratches which have not broken a layer of earth, paint over a thin brush. If the layer of earth is broken, smooth out the damaged place a fine-grained emery paper, having removed corrosion traces. The smoothed out place cover with a layer of earth (from краскораспылителя, aerosol баллончика or a brush). When the ground completely will dry up, paint over enamel the damaged place.
If on a paint and varnish covering of the car bitumen has got, at once remove it uajt-spiritom or an autocleaner of bitumen stains. Bitumen causes occurrence of the yellow stains especially appreciable on a light paint and varnish covering.
Not less often than an once in two years it is necessary to process preserving means of type "Movil" the latent cavities of a body and to put on a surface of wheel arches and the bottom anticorrosive mastic. We recommend to spend these works at servicing deport.

The previous page
11.24.1. A car sink
The following page
11.24.3. An engine sink