10.8.9. Replacement of a plafond of illumination of salonIt be required to you: screw-drivers with flat and crosswise edges.
1. Disconnect a wire from the plug "minus" of the storage battery.
2. Wring out a screw-driver clamps and remove рассеиватель a plafond.
3. Turn out two screws of fastening of a plafond...
4. … take away a plafond from a roof …
5. … wring out a screw-driver a clamp, separate pad a plait of wires and remove a plafond of illumination of salon.
6. Establish an illumination plafond in an order, the return to removal. At installation рассеивателя...
7. … establish at first a forward part рассеивателя in the plafond case …
8. … and then press a back part before click (защелкивания clamps).