7.2.7. Replacement of bearings of a back naveIt be required to you: a face head on 24, flat-nose pliers, a screw-driver with a flat edge, small beards, a stripper for выпрессовки the bearing, a universal stripper.
1. Loosen the an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a wheel.
2. Include I transfer and establish an emphasis under forward wheels. Raise and establish on reliable support a back part of the car.
3. Remove a corresponding wheel.
4. Remove a brake drum (Removal and installation of a brake drum see ). The internal ring of the external bearing, both rings of the internal bearing and an epiploon will be simultaneously removed also.
5. Take an epiploon, having hooked its screw-driver.
Replace an epiploon new at each removal.
6. Take out from a nave an internal ring of the internal bearing.
7. Using a hammer and small beards, beat out and take out from a nave an external ring of the external bearing.
For выпрессовки in the case of a nave of a brake drum two grooves (on a photo one is visible, the second is located diametrically) are executed.
8. Similarly выпрессуйте an external ring of the internal bearing.
For выпрессовки in the case of a nave of a brake drum two grooves (on a photo one is visible, the second is located diametrically) are executed.
9. Clear of old greasing an internal cavity of a nave and a pin. On landing surfaces under bearings on a pin and a nave there should not be wear tracks, having chopped off, забоин, задиров. In the presence of the specified defects replace the damaged details.
10. Grease an internal cavity of a nave and a pin with greasing for bearings Litol-24 or its import analogue (Hytex EP-2 firms Texaco, Mobilux 2, 3, EP2, EP3, Mobilgrease MP firms Mobil, Energrease L2, LS3 firms British Petroleum, etc.).
11. Запрессуйте in a nave an external ring of the internal bearing оправкой suitable diameter.
12. Put greasing in a nave cavity.
13. Similarly запрессуйте in a nave an external ring of the new external bearing.
14. Establish in a nave preliminary greased internal ring of the internal bearing …
15. … and запрессуйте an epiploon.
Before epiploon installation grease its working edge консистентной with greasing.
16. Establish a brake drum on a pin.
17. Establish an internal ring of the external bearing.
18. Establish a washer and a nave nut.
19. Establish a wheel.