11.8.2. Removal, installation and adjustment of the lock of a cowl and its driveIt be required to you: a key on 10 (the face head is more convenient), a screw-driver with a flat edge.
For removal of the lock of a cowl execute the following.
1. Open a cowl and establish it on an emphasis.
2. Turn out three bolts of fastening of the lock of a cowl to a radiator framework …
3. … take away the lock from a framework, deduce a tip of a cover of a cable of a drive of the lock from the holder on the lock case …
4. … disconnect a tip of a cable from the lever of the lock and remove the lock.
5. Put the cowl lock in an order, the return to removal. Before installation of the lock of a cowl grease its details консистентной with greasing, for example литолом.
6. If after installation the lock is indistinctly locked or hardly opens, adjust its position. Loosen the bolts of fastening of the lock and its moving within oval apertures of the case achieve accurate work.
For removal of a drive of the lock of a cowl execute the following.
1. Disconnect a cable of a drive from the cowl lock (see above subitem 3 and 4 in the given subsection).
2. Open the left forward door and, having hooked a screw-driver …
3. … remove the left lateral cover of the panel of devices.
The lateral cover of the panel of devices needs to be removed for reception of visual access to a place of fastening of the handle of a drive of the lock of a cowl.
4. Turn away two bolts of fastening of the handle of a drive to the panel of devices …
5. … deduce the handle together with a cable from the panel of devices...
6. … also lower it downwards from under the panel.
7. Disconnect a tip of a cable of a drive of the lock of a cowl from the handle lever …
8. … extend a cover of a cable from an emphasis in the case of the handle and disconnect the handle from a cable, having passed it in an emphasis cut.
9. In a motor compartment take holders of a cable from apertures in the left rack …
10. … and in the top cross-beam of a framework of a radiator, and then remove a cable, extending it in подкапотное space.
11. Establish details in an order, the return to removal.