11.21.2. Replacement of levers and draughts of a screen wiper of a wind windowIt be required to you: a face head on 10, a key on 13, a screw-driver with a flat edge.
1. Open a cowl and establish it on an emphasis.
2. Remove decorative caps from nuts of fastening of levers of a screen wiper.
3. Turn away a nut …
4. … also remove levers from axes of leads of a trapeze of a screen wiper.
6. From within a box air flow disconnect from a crank of a motor-reducer the hinge of draught of a trapeze of a screen wiper, having removed it from a spherical finger of a crank a screw-driver, as the lever.
7. Turn on on two nuts of fastening left …
8. … and the right leads of a trapeze of draughts of a screen wiper …
9. … also take a trapeze from a box air flow.
If have appeared raised люфты axes of leads 1 or hinges of draughts 2, replace leads or draughts in gathering.
10. Establish details in an order, the return to removal.