8.2.2. Removal and installation of a steering columnIt be required to you: a key on 12, a face head on 12 with the extension piece.
1. Disconnect a wire from the plug "minus" of the storage battery.
3. Remove подрулевые switches in gathering with a connector (Replacement подрулевых switches see).
4. Under the panel of devices turn away a nut and take a bolt клеммового connections of a steering shaft and elastic муфты.
5. Turn away a nut of the bottom fastening of a steering column.
6. Turn on two nuts of fastening of a steering column to the panel of devices.
7. Take a shaft of a steering shaft from the plug rubber муфты and remove a steering column from the car.
8. Take a steering shaft from the column case …
9. … also remove the plastic aligning plug.
10. Establish aligning plug on a steering shaft, and a shaft – in the case of a steering column.
11. Insert a shaft of a steering shaft in rubber муфту.
12. Shift aligning plug so that it has entered into the case of a steering column.
13. Tighten a nut of a coupling bolt клеммового connections of a steering shaft and elastic муфты.
14. Tighten a nut bottom …
15. … and two nuts top fastenings of a steering column.
16. Shift aligning plug on a steering shaft so that it left the case of a steering column.
17. Further establish details in an order, the return to removal.