2.2.1. At daily operation
Now on manufacturer cars complete with is minimum possible tooling with which help it is possible to replace a wheel or the fused lamp only.
Therefore we recommend to hold always in the car following additional accessories, tools and spare parts.
1 – the first aid first-aid set (automobile), confirmed by the order of Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Russia from 4/1/2002 №106;
2 – a spare wheel;
3 – a hammer;
4 – a sign on an emergency stop;
5 – the fire extinguisher;
6 – a set combined (or as a last resort рожковых) keys from 8 to 24;
7 – противооткатный an emphasis ("boot");
8 – an additional key for bolts of wheels;
9 – a portable lamp;
10 – пассатижи;
11 – two screw-drivers (with crosswise and flat edges);
12 – шинный the pump with a manometre;
13 – an assembly shovel;
14 – wires for start-up of the engine from an external source;
15 – a towing cable.
1 – the complete set of spare belts;
2 – a brake liquid;
3 – antifreeze of the same mark, as filled in in your car;
4 – the complete set of high-voltage wires;
5 – the complete set of spark plugs;
6 – a set of spare lamps (half of all lamps established on the car, except for repeating);
7 – a set of safety locks, fusible inserts and the relay;
8 – маслобензостойкий hermetic.
Of 1-2 l, zolotnik of the gate of the tyre, hose the bottle of universal greasing of type WD-40, a plastic bottle of water can be useful for prorolling of hydrodrives a hank изоляционной tapes. To provide safety at lifting of the car by a jack, two emphasis under wheels in the form of wedges be required. Well and in the winter or at country trips it can be necessary and a small shovel.