2.1.3. Recommendations about traffic safetyStyle of driving and convenience of landing of the driver influence safety degree, therefore carry out the following:
– Be necessarily fastened by a seat belt even if operate the car in a city;
– Be convinced that all passengers, even on back seats, are fastened by seat belts. The passengers who have been not fastened by seat belts, in case of failure endanger themselves, the driver and other passengers;
– For transportation of children about 12 years are elderly use special children's armchairs in which the child is reliably fixed concerning an armchair, and an armchair — concerning the car;
– Adjust a driver's seat so that it was possible to reach any controls easily;
– Be convinced of free moving of all pedals;
– Do not get into the car in a drunken state. The use of alcohol, drugs and some medical preparations negatively affects sense organs, speed of reaction of the person, its driver's abilities, increases risk of creation of an emergency and trauma reception;
– Do not get into the car, if feel weariness. Stop for rest (not less often than through everyone 2) is more often;
– Conduct the car with the speed corresponding to intensity of movement, to weather and road conditions. Remember: controllability of the car, its brake qualities in the big degree depend on coupling of tyres with a road covering. Sites of roads with свежеуложенным asphalt are rather dangerous. On wet road there can be an effect of hydroplaning, full loss of controllability in this case is possible;
– Observe instructions of signs on restriction of speed.