Chevrolet Lanos (since 2004 of release)
1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance service
5. The engine
6. Transmission
7. A running gear
8. A steering
9. Brake system
10. An electric equipment
11. A body
12. Wheels and tyres
13. Purchase of spare parts
13.1. Engine oil
13.2. Plastic greasings
13.3. Cooling liquids
13.4. A brake liquid
13.5. The fuel filter of thin clearing
13.6. The air filter
13.7. The oil filter of system of greasing of the engine
13.8. Spark plugs
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Councils to the beginning mechanic
18. Appendices
19. Electric equipment schemes



13.3. Cooling liquids

In system of cooling of cars Chevrolet Lanos it is recommended to fill in низкозамерзающую a liquid – antifreeze – a water solution этиленгликоля with addition of additives and neutral dye.
In the concentrated kind этиленгликоль its temperature of boiling +170 С possesses high corrosion activity. Because of that that the crystallisation temperature этиленгликоля in the concentrated kind makes–20 С, for fall of temperature of crystallisation it is diluted with the distilled water (tab. 13.1).
For neutralisation of corrosion activity in этиленгликоль add special additives. For difference from other operational liquid and simplification of definition of level in a broad tank of system of cooling of the engine in antifreeze add dye.

Table 13.1 Concentration этиленгликоля depending on the demanded temperature of crystallisation of antifreeze

The previous page
13.2. Plastic greasings
The following page
13.4. A brake liquid