13.2. Plastic greasingsPlastic greasings use for reduction of a friction and, as consequence, for reduction of deterioration of details in car knots in which it is impossible or is inexpedient to create oil circulation. Plastic greasing easily gets into a zone of contact of rubbing details and is kept on their surface. The basic advantages of plastic greasings – wide in comparison with engine oils a temperature range of application, ability not to follow and not to be squeezed out from негерметизированных friction knots. A lack of plastic greasings – keeping of products of mechanical and corrosion deterioration which increase speed of destruction of rubbing surfaces so, and worsen heat removal from greased details.
At a choice of plastic greasings for concrete knot of the car it is necessary to know their physical characteristics, efficiency of greasing of rubbing surfaces and compatibility with materials contacting to greasing.
It is impossible to mix among themselves plastic greasings of various structures because of possible change of their physical characteristics (разжижения and temperature decrease каплепадения).