12.13. Check of radial and lateral palpation of disks
Fig. 12.1. Surfaces of measurement of palpation of a disk: Н – radial palpation; S – lateral palpation
Fix a disk without the tyre on an axis of the balancing device. Establish a measuring tip стрелочного the indicator at first on radial, and then on lateral internal surfaces of a disk against which the tyre board (fig. 12.1 leans).
Slowly turn hands a disk of the balancing device, simultaneously taking readings of the indicator. Thus do not consider a deviation of an arrow of the indicator from local ledges or deepenings on a disk.
If the maximum value of palpation exceeds admissible limits, replace a disk.
The maximum palpation of a steel disk: Н = 0,8 mm, S = 1,0 mm.
The maximum palpation легкосплавного a disk: Н = 1,5 mm, S = 1,5 mm.