11.14.1. Features of a designThe system of passive safety (SRS) the car unites in a complex a face-to-face pillow of safety for the driver and seat belts for the driver and all passengers. Seat belts for the driver, the forward passenger and lateral passengers on a back seat the inertial. For the average passenger on a back seat the zone belt is provided.
The pillow of safety does not replace a seat belt. Moreover, at movement of the car the driver should be necessarily fastened a belt as in case of road and transport incident the worked pillow of safety itself can put to the person not fastened by a belt a serious trauma.
Into system SRS enter:
– The module of a pillow of safety of the driver, located in a nave of a steering wheel and consisting of the combined cover of a pillow and gas generator;
– The electronic block of management established under facing of a tunnel of a floor and operating system;
– Seat belts.
Force of blow at road and transport incident the electronic block of management (ECU) defines systems of passive safety by means of electronic accelerometers. On a signal accelerometers the management block activates a pillow of safety of the driver.
If the car is equipped retractors a seat belt of the driver, ECU, having received a signal from accelerometers, before activation of a pillow of safety increases a belt tension. retractors provides timely reaction to emergency delay of the car, drawing the driver to a seat back, and also excludes its further moving forward on inertia and reception of traumas from the worked pillow of safety. At front blow of certain force ECU of system of safety gives out a command on a pyrotechnic element tension a belt.
The mechanism tension a seat belt is always put in action earlier, than a safety pillow.