Chevrolet Lanos (since 2004 of release)
1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance service
5. The engine
6. Transmission
7. A running gear
8. A steering
9. Brake system
10. An electric equipment
11. A body
12. Wheels and tyres
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
16.1. Recommendations
16.2. The list of malfunctions and conditions at which operation of vehicles is forbidden
16.3. Changes to the state standards regulating the maximum permissible maintenance of harmful substances in fulfilled gases of vehicles
17. Councils to the beginning mechanic
18. Appendices
19. Electric equipment schemes



16.1. Recommendations

At annual state checkup (ГТО) a vehicle to each owner of the car (or it is necessary for the person using the car by proxy) to show following documents:
– The personal passport or the identification card and the inquiry from a residence for military men;
– The driver's licence;
– The certificate on registration of the HARDWARE or the log;
– The power of attorney (if it is available);
– The medical inquiry;
– Receipts on payment of all put gathering (payment of checkup and coupon payment about checkup passage);
– The policy about civil liability insurance.

At registration in insurance agency of the policy of obligatory insurance of an autocivil liability the sticker of the established sample which is necessary for fixing on a windscreen the same as also the coupon which is given out after passage of the state checkup stands out.

In the car it is necessary to have the fire extinguisher with not ended working life, the first-aid set of the new established sample (that should be confirmed by the special certificate received at purchase of the first-aid set) and a sign of an emergency stop.
According to the governmental order of the Russian Federation About an order of carrying out of the state checkup of the vehicles registered in the State inspection of safety of traffic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from July, 31st, 1998 №880 the tool control of vehicles stage by stage is entered into the Russian Federation.
The tool control includes verification of numbers (about finding-out of their authenticity and conformity to the given car). Its difference from usual checkup consists in more strict bench control of a condition of working and lay brake system, a steering, level WITH and СН in the fulfilled gases of the engine, and also check of a condition of final system, wheels, actions of screen wipers, sound signals and external light devices. External survey of the car is spent also. If checkup is not passed from the first repeatedly him spend free of charge within 20 days.
More precisely to define a real technical condition of the car before the tool control, is better to pass diagnostics at special station. It will allow to establish a condition and need of repair of this or that knot. The special attention should be turned on brake (both working, and lay) system and a car control system, and also on adjustment of system of injection, a condition of system of ignition to check up and adjust ecological parametres of the car: emissions WITH and СН. For adjustment of the last the special equipment which is only on HUNDRED or in special points of the ecological control is necessary. It is necessary to pay attention and to tightness of all gasoline pipe lines and a cover of a mouth of a fuel tank.
Besides, at checkup especially carefully supervise brakes of all wheels on delay (specific brake force not below 64 %) and non-uniformity of their operation (disorder between wheels of one axis no more than 9 %). The control is carried out on running drums, therefore brakes should be carefully adjusted before checkup. The lay brake should keep the car on a bias not less than 23 % without non-uniformity of action on wheels of a back axis.

Even if you have replaced brake overlays and колодки, do not hasten to go at once on checkup as brakes should be earned extra (for 250–300 km of run).

If the brake effort remains non-uniform, try to grind in a little a brake disk a skin to clean from it the big teases. Consider that non-uniformity of braking influence also a pressure difference in the tyres, insufficient pressure in the tyre (also tyres should not be pumped over as it too reduces efficiency of brakes). GOST keeps possibility of visual check of brake system the inspector. At such check the car should brake to a full stop without loss of a rectilinear trajectory of movement.
The steering should not have superfluous люфта (no more than 5 a deviation of the top part of a steering wheel from nominal position) for what it is necessary to check up a condition of tips of steering draughts and the steering mechanism. Independently to define presence superfluous люфта it is possible. For this purpose, standing near to the car located on a horizontal platform, turn a little here and there a steering wheel, simultaneously resting a sock in боковину a forward wheel. If the corner of a deviation of a steering wheel is more, and the forward wheel yet has not started to turn, люфт superfluous and a steering it is necessary to repair.
It is necessary to check up working capacity of external systems of illumination: headlights (near, distant and dimensional light, and also the alarm system), indexes of turn, lateral repeaters, stoplights, back dimensional lanterns and illumination of licence plate, backing lanterns. If one bulb, checkup you does not burn at least will not pass. The beam of light of headlights should be correctly adjusted (they should not blind counter drivers), it is better for making at the special stand on HUNDRED. The sound signal also should be serviceable.
Screen wiper and стеклоомыватель should work, and brushes ("yard keepers") – to clear the area taken away by it not less than on 90 %. GOST does not suppose also presence of cracks on a windscreen in a zone of work of brushes of a screen wiper.
Car tyres should not have deterioration more admissible (depth of flutes of a protector not less than 1,6 mm). The protector should not have unilateral deterioration, and боковины – damages ("hernia"). Checkup passage at the stand with brake drums with шипованными tyres (consider also that tyres with "winter" drawing of a protector reduce efficiency of braking on smooth drums) is not supposed. That who is compelled to take place checkup in the winter, it is possible to advise to "change" for this procedure the car in universal or "summer" rubber.
Appearance of a body should be tidy (i.e. besides that the car should be washed up, including the engine, it should not have appreciable damages of a paint and varnish covering on a body yet, doors and disks of wheels). If necessary eliminate damages and corrosion. In case of need spend repair painting of a body or separate details. The state licence plates should be also in a tidy look – not rusty and not crushed. They can be tinted, but it is accurate, that it was possible to read number easily.
On a body there should be mudguards provided by a complete set, serviceable handles and locks of doors; затемненность glasses should be no more norms. Decrease светопропускной abilities тонированных glasses no more than on 25 % is supposed, and at use of a blacking out film – no more than on 30 % (consider that usual pure glass has светопропускную ability about 97 %).
In car salon locks of seat belts and the mechanism of adjustment of seats should be serviceable.
Accurate daily operation of the car both regular repair and maintenance service allow to reduce essentially expenses for preparation for checkup as all basic systems will be in большем an order and are in advance adjusted.

The previous page
16. Preparation for checkup
The following page
16.2. The list of malfunctions and conditions at which operation of vehicles is forbidden