10.15.1. Features of a designAll instrumentations of the car are united in a combination of devices. It includes a speedometer, the counter of the general and daily run (одометр), the index of temperature of a cooling liquid, the index of level of fuel, control and alarm lamps, illumination lamps. Indexes of temperature and fuel level — electromagnetic type.
On a part of cars the combination of devices with a tachometre is established.
Repair of a combination of devices is reduced to replacement of devices (indexes), control and alarm lamps, illumination lamps. In a combination of devices with a tachometre indexes of temperature of a cooling liquid and fuel level are executed in the uniform block, therefore at failure of one of two devices it is necessary to replace the block in gathering. In a combination of devices without a tachometre it is possible to replace indexes of temperature of a cooling liquid and fuel level separately.
Not to damage glass of a combination of devices, do not clear it with application of any solvents. It is possible to wash out glass a weak soap solution or a special cleaner for glasses.
During glass cleaning try not to touch the button of dump of the counter of daily run as it easily breaks.