4.4.1. Replacement of a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steeringAccording to the recommendation of manufacturer a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering it is necessary to change each 60 thousand in km or 6 years of operation (depending on that will come earlier).
Two keys on 12 be required to you.
2. Loosen the a bolt of fastening of the generator to a tension lath …
3. … and two nuts of bolts of fastening of the generator to the block of cylinders of the engine, keeping bolts from проворачивания.
The photo of fastening of the generator is made from under the car for descriptive reasons. Weaken nuts from above from подкапотного spaces.
4. Move the generator to the block of cylinders to weaken a belt tension.
5. Remove a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering.