10.5.4. Starter repairBefore starter dismantling be convinced of its malfunction by following simple checks.
1. By means of a screw-driver check up ease of moving муфты a drive along a shaft.
2. Turn a drive gear wheel. The gear wheel should be turned easily concerning a nave муфты in a direction of rotation of an anchor and should not be turned in an opposite direction.
3. Connect wires for прикуривания the plug "minus" of the storage battery removed from the car to the starter case. The second wire connect one end to the plug "plus" of the storage battery, and another — to a conclusion of an operating wire of the traction relay. If the traction relay is serviceable, click will be distributed and will be put forward муфта a drive. Otherwise the traction relay is subject to replacement.
4. Disconnect a wire from an operating conclusion of the traction relay and connect to the bottom contact bolt of the traction relay. The starter anchor should start to rotate with frequency more than 6000 mines-1. Otherwise repair a starter.
It be required to you: a key on 13, face heads TORX Е5, Е7, a hammer, a screw-driver with a flat edge, sliding пассатижи.
1. Turn away a nut of the bottom contact bolt of the traction relay …
2. … also disconnect the tyre from a bolt.
3. Turn out three bolts of fastening of the traction relay to a starter cover from outside a drive...
4. … also remove the traction relay.
5. Turn out two coupling bolts …
6. … also separate статор and a cover from outside a drive.
7. Turn out two bolts of fastening of a cover from outside a collector...
8.... Also uncover.
9. Take from статора an anchor in gathering with щеткодержателем.
10. Remove щеткодержатель from an anchor.
11. Take a support of the lever of a drive of a starter.
12. Remove маслоотражательную a cover of the planetary mechanism...
13. … and a sealing ring.
14. Remove from axes drove three planetary gear wheels of a reducer.
15. Take a shaft of a drive and remove the lever.
16. Shift on an anchor shaft a restrictive ring, as is shown in a photo.
17. Having hooked a screw-driver, remove a lock ring.
18. Remove a restrictive ring …
19. … and a drive.
20. Remove коронную a gear wheel of a planetary reducer.
21. Examine щеткодержатель. Check up height of brushes in щеткодержателе. If height of 7 mm and less, replace щеткодержатель new. Check up by means of an ohmmeter the isolated holders on short circuit with the case. Resistance should aspire to infinity.
22. On шлицах and pins of a shaft of an anchor there should not be damages (забоины and teases). The anchor collector should not have traces обгорания. Insignificant обгорание eliminate the rags moistened in gasoline, and fine-grained наждачной a skin. Check up an anchor winding on short circuit by means of an ohmmeter. Resistance should aspire to infinity.
23. Check up, whether the anchor of the traction relay of a starter easily moves, whether contact bolts a contact plate (by means of an ohmmeter) become isolated.
24. Check up a drive. Teeths of a gear wheel of a drive should not have considerable deterioration. The gear wheel should be turned easily concerning a nave муфты in a direction of rotation of an anchor and should not be turned in an opposite direction. If gear wheel teeths are worn out or damaged or the gear wheel is turned in both directions, replace a drive.
25. On the lever of a drive of a starter there should not be cracks and traces of considerable deterioration of grooves of plugs.
Collect a starter in sequence, return dismantling, taking into account following features.
1. Grease шлицевую a surface of a shaft of an anchor with siliceous greasing General Electric CG321 or similar.
While in service муфту a drive it is not necessary to grease. However it is necessary to clear it of a dirt. Do not apply to clearing of a drive of means which can wash up put in it муфту greasing.
2. Grease with engine oil bearings (plugs) in starter covers.
3. For installation of a restrictive ring take advantage sliding пассатижами.
4. Before installation щеткодержателя on an anchor dissolve brushes and fix in any accessible way (for example, rivets or small nails). After installation щеткодержателя on an anchor release brushes, having cleaned the established clamps.
5. Before installation of the traction relay put on the surface of the relay contacting to a cover of a starter from outside of a drive, a thin layer of silicone hermetic.