10.5.1. Features of a designThe starter of cars Chevrolet Lanos represents two-port, четырехщеточный the electric motor of a direct current with excitation from the constant magnets, combined with a planetary reducer and electromagnetic двухобмоточным the traction relay. Covers and the case статора are pulled together by two bolts. In the case статора constant magnets are fixed. Rotation from a shaft of an anchor of the electric motor is transferred to a drive shaft through a planetary reducer. On a drive shaft it is established roller муфта a free wheeling.
At key turn in the switch (lock) of ignition in position START pressure from the storage battery moves on involving and keeping windings of the traction relay, as a result the drive lever the starter gear wheel moves also enters into gearing with a gear wreath of a flywheel of the engine. Simultaneously the anchor of the traction relay closes power contacts (during this moment the involving winding is switched off), on the starter electric motor pressure from the storage battery moves. The starter anchor through a planetary reducer turns a cranked shaft of the engine. After engine start-up when frequency of rotation of a gear wheel exceeds frequency of rotation of a shaft of a starter, муфта a free wheeling it will be unblocked and пробуксует, thereby protecting a starter from high frequency of rotation and damages.
To avoid many malfunctions of a starter, observe a number of simple rules at its operation.
At engine start-up include a starter no more than on 10-15 with and repeatedly — through 20–30 with. Continuous long work of a starter can lead to an overheat. If after three attempts the engine is not started up, it is necessary to check up and eliminate malfunctions in the power supply system or in system of ignition of the engine.
After engine start-up immediately switch off a starter as long rotation of a gear wheel of a drive by a flywheel can lead to jamming обгонной муфты a starter.
It is not supposed to move the car by means of a starter. It causes its considerable overload and damage.