8.4.2. Backlash adjustment in the steering mechanismIf the backlash between a gear wheel and rack in the steering mechanism is increased, at movement of the car the steering mechanism publishes knock. Besides the steering wheel has the raised free wheeling that complicates driving. At a backlash total absence (the steering mechanism "will draw") steering self-stabilisation at movement on a straight line (the car constantly withdraws in any party, the driver should "taxi up" continuously) worsens.
Adjustment spend at the hung out forward wheels established in position of rectilinear movement.
Steering mechanisms with the hydraulic booster and without it regulate identical receptions.
It be required to you: a key on 26, a special key on 50.
Fig. 8.3. Adjusting knot of the steering mechanism: 1 – картер the steering mechanism; 2 – плунжер; 3 – a sealing ring; 4 – a spring; 5 – an adjusting stopper; 6 – a counternut
2. Loosen the a counternut 6 (fig. 8.3) also wrap an adjusting stopper 5 till the moment of notable increase of effort.
3. Turn away a stopper on 30-40 and check up ease of moving рейки at turns of a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop.
4. Keeping from проворачивания an adjusting stopper, tighten a counternut the moment 70 Нм.
5. Establish into place the vacuum amplifier of brakes and check up correctness of adjustment on the move. If necessary repeat adjustment.