Chevrolet Lanos (since 2004 of release)
1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance service
5. The engine
6. Transmission
7. A running gear
7.1. A forward suspension bracket
7.2. A back suspension bracket
7.2.1. Features of a design
7.2.2. Possible malfunctions of a back suspension bracket, their reason and ways of elimination
7.2.3. Replacement of the shock-absorber of a back suspension bracket
7.2.4. Replacement of a spring of a back suspension bracket
7.2.5. Replacement сайлентблоков levers of a back suspension bracket
7.2.6. Adjustment of bearings of a back nave
7.2.7. Replacement of bearings of a back nave
7.2.8. Replacement of a beam of a back suspension bracket
7.2.9. Replacement of the stabilizer of cross-section stability of a back suspension bracket
8. A steering
9. Brake system
10. An electric equipment
11. A body
12. Wheels and tyres
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Councils to the beginning mechanic
18. Appendices
19. Electric equipment schemes



7.2.5. Replacement сайлентблоков levers of a back suspension bracket

At certain skill сайлентблоки it is possible to replace directly on the car, having turned out bolts of fastening of a beam to arms of a body and having deduced eyes of a beam from arms, but it is more convenient to perform this work on the removed beam of a back suspension bracket (Replacement of a beam of a back suspension bracket see).
It is very convenient to replace сайлентблоки with the special adaptation (stripper), but it is possible to perform work and make-shifts.
It be required to you: a stripper сайлентблоков or оправка.
At stripper use execute following operations.
1. Before выпрессовкой heat up a lever eye hot air to temperature 50–75 С, preliminary having cut ножовкой two cuts In (fig. 7.6) on the external plug сайлентблока for combination of ledges of the assembly plug 15. Выпрессовку spend in a following order: establish on an eye of the lever from lateral aspect the case of the adaptation 4, put on a bolt 6 assembly plug 5 with ledges, insert a bolt into an aperture сайлентблока, put on it from an underside of an eye of the lever a washer 3, rest against the case of the adaptation 4 and tighten a nut 2 to выпрессовки сайлентблока.

Fig. 7.6. Installation and dismantle сайлентблока the lever of a back suspension bracket: 1 – the lever; 2, 8 – a nut; 3, 12 – a washer; 4, 11 – the adaptation; 5, 9, 15 – the assembly plug; 6, 13 – a bolt; 7 – the lever of a back suspension bracket; 10, 14 – сайлентблок; And – a label on the adaptation; In – cuts on сайлентблоке

2. Запрессуйте in both levers of a back suspension bracket сайлентблоки with preliminary cut cuts In the assembly adaptation in such order: establish the case of the adaptation 11 on an eye of the lever from lateral aspect, having combined labels And on the case of the adaptation and the lever eye, shown by an arrow; establish on a bolt 13 persistent washer 12, insert it into a lever eye, put on a bolt new сайлентблок 10, the assembly plug 9 with ledges and screw a nut 8. Сориентируйте сайлентблок in relation to the lever, as is shown in fig. 7.7, and запрессуйте it заподлицо with an end face of an eye of the lever.

Fig. 7.7. Orientation сайлентблока at installation: 1 – сайлентблок; 2 – the lever of a back suspension bracket

At use of make-shifts execute following operations.
1. Establish a beam in a vice and выпрессуйте сайлентблок оправкой suitable diameter or a stripper.

If выпрессовать сайлентблок it is not possible, saw it ножовкой on metal. Landing sawn сайлентблока in a lever eye is essentially weakened.

2. Take сайлентблок from a beam eye.
3. Clear an eye of a rust and scale and запрессуйте new сайлентблок, сориентировав it, as is shown in fig. 7.7.
4. Similarly replace the second сайлентблок.
5. Establish a beam of a back suspension bracket on the car. Bolts of fastening of a beam to a body definitively tighten on the car standing on the earth, the moment specified in the appendix 1.

The previous page
7.2.4. Replacement of a spring of a back suspension bracket
The following page
7.2.6. Adjustment of bearings of a back nave