6.1.6. Replacement of a hose and a tube of a hydrodrive of deenergizing of couplingIt be required to you: keys on 10, on 12 …
… a special key for nuts of pipelines on 10, пассатижи.
1. Turn away a nut of fastening of a tube to a tip of a hose and take a tube aside.
The shelf of fastening of the storage battery is for descriptive reasons removed.
2. Remove fixing скобу...
3. … also deduce a tip of a hose from an arm.
4. Turn out a bolt-union and remove a hose...
5. … having paid attention to presence and a relative positioning of two copper sealing washers.
The pressed out washers at assemblage replace new.
7. Turn away a nut of fastening of a tube to the main cylinder of a drive of deenergizing of coupling …
8. … take a tube from the holder on a mudguard and lift the receiver.