6.1.3. Replacement of a plug and the bearing of deenergizing of couplingThe key on 13 is required to you.
2. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a plug to a shaft of deenergizing of coupling...
3. … also take a shaft from картера couplings.
4. Remove a plug of deenergizing of coupling.
5. If necessary take from картера couplings top …
6. … and the bottom plugs of a shaft of deenergizing of coupling.
7. Remove the bearing of deenergizing of coupling from the directing plug.
8. Establish details in an order, the return to removal. At installation of plastic plugs of a shaft of deenergizing of coupling pay attention to that the ledge (it is shown by an arrow on item 6 photo) on the plug has got to a groove on inflow картера. Grease plugs консистентной with greasing. Before installation of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling grease an external surface of the directing plug with a thin layer консистентной greasings.