Chevrolet Lanos (since 2004 of release)
1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance service
5. The engine
5.1. Features of a design
5.2. Compression check in cylinders
5.3. Removal and installation of mudguards of the engine
5.4. Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
5.5. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
5.6. Removal, installation and дефектовка a flywheel
5.7. Replacement of details of consolidation of the engine
5.7.1. Replacement of a lining of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders
5.7.2. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders
5.7.3. Replacement маслосъемных caps
5.7.4. Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
5.7.5. Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
5.7.6. Replacement of consolidation oil картера
5.7.7. Replacement of a lining of an inlet pipe
5.7.8. Replacement of a lining of a final collector
5.8. A head of the block of cylinders
5.9. Removal and engine installation
5.10. Engine repair
5.11. Greasing system
5.12. Cooling system
5.13. System of release of the fulfilled gases
5.14. The engine power supply system
5.15. System of catching of steams of fuel
5.16. System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
6. Transmission
7. A running gear
8. A steering
9. Brake system
10. An electric equipment
11. A body
12. Wheels and tyres
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Councils to the beginning mechanic
18. Appendices
19. Electric equipment schemes



5.7.3. Replacement маслосъемных caps

External sign of deterioration маслосъемных caps is short-term occurrence of a blue smoke from an exhaust pipe after start-up of the engine and at braking by the engine after long movement under loading. Thus constant дымление usually it is not observed. Indirect signs — the increased expense of oil in the absence of external leaks and greasy electrodes of spark plugs.
To replace маслосъемные caps it is possible, without removing from the engine a head of the block of cylinders, but the difficult adaptation for compression of springs of valves without removal of a camshaft which is difficult for finding in sale for this purpose is required. It is possible to take advantage for this purpose of the universal adaptation, having removed the camshaft case but as the case and a head of the block of cylinders are fixed by the same bolts, it is necessary to replace a lining of a head of the block necessarily. Therefore we recommend to replace маслосъемные caps on the removed head of the block.
It be required to you: all tools necessary for removal of a head of the block of cylinders (Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders see), tweezers for extraction of crackers from plates of springs of valves …
… and the adaptation for compression of springs of valves.
1. Remove a head of the block of cylinders (Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders see).
2. Remove press levers and crackers of levers (Replacement of hydrojacks of valves see).
3. Establish on a head of the block the adaptation for compression of springs of valves, having fixed it, as is shown in a photo, by means of a hook made from suitable metal прутка.
4. Establish under рассухариваемый the valve a support (it is possible to take advantage of a head of the suitable size from a tooling), compress a spring and take out from a plate of a spring crackers.
5. Remove the top plate of a spring of the valve, a spring...
6. … and the bottom plate of a spring of the inlet valve …
7. … or the mechanism of rotation of the final valve.
8. Remove пассатижами from the directing plug of the valve маслосъемный a cap.

Maslosemnye caps are established on directing plugs with a small tightness, therefore they can be removed пассатижами without risk to damage plugs.

9. Grease an internal surface маслосъемного a cap with engine oil, advance a cap on a core of the valve to the directing plug and pressing of fingers put on a cap the plug against the stop.

Original маслосъемные caps establish only hands without application send. Attempt напрессовать a cap through the mandrel a hammer will inevitably lead to its damage.

10. Establish a spring and plates (the rotation mechanism) valve in an order, the return to removal. Establish crackers by means of the adaptation so that they have risen in проточки a valve core. After installation of crackers strike a hammer through a metal core on a valve end face that crackers have sat down into place.

If the crackers established with a warp remain not fixed at engine start-up рассухарившийся the valve will fail in the cylinder that will lead to serious failure of the engine.

11. Similarly replace маслосъемные caps of other valves.

Fig. 5.4. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders

12. Establish on the engine a head of the block of cylinders, and the camshaft case on a head and tighten bolts of their fastening in the sequence shown on fig. 5.4 (Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders see), the moment resulted in the appendix 1.

Lining of a head of the block of cylinders necessarily replace new.
Before installation of the case of a camshaft on a block head put a hermetic layer on привалочную a case surface to a head.

13. Establish all earlier removed details газораспределительного the mechanism.
14. Adjust a tension of belts of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering (Check and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering see), and also the conditioner compressor (Check and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the compressor of the conditioner see).

The previous page
5.7.2. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders
The following page
5.7.4. Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft