5.16.1. Features of the deviceThe system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases serves for decrease in toxicity of an exhaust (at the expense of reduction of formation of oxides of nitrogen). At a combustion heat топливовоздушной mixes in the combustion chamber the considerable quantity of oxides of nitrogen is formed. Through system рециркуляции in engine cylinders the part of the fulfilled gases for their reburning that reduces concentration fresh топливовоздушной mixes and, hence, temperature in the combustion chamber comes back.
System basic element — the valve рециркуляции, established on an inlet pipe which at the big corners of opening throttle заслонки passes for догорания in an inlet path the fulfilled gases from a final collector on channels in a flange of a branch pipe of a final collector and in an inlet pipe. The electromagnetic valve which the engine management block, in turn, operates operates the pneumatic valve.
The system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases does not work under following conditions:
– Low temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine;
– The engine idles;
– The engine works at full opening throttle заслонки.
Refusal of valves of system рециркуляции leads to increase of toxicity of the fulfilled gases. Valves not folding, at failure replace them in gathering.