4.3.6. Check of hoses and connections of system of cooling
1. Open a cowl and examine подкапотное space. At survey of the engine pay attention to presence of a cooling liquid in a broad tank, on an integrity of rubber hoses, a radiator …
2. … and thermostat covers.
The burst hose can be restored temporarily by means of a sticky tape.
Especially well for this purpose the reinforced sticky tape (for example, silvery colour) which can be got in autoshops approaches.
At подтекании a cooling liquid from under a thermostat cover tighten bolts of its fastening. If a tightening of bolts to eliminate подтекание it was not possible, a cover it is necessary to remove, clear привалочные surfaces and to establish on hermetic.
3. Examine connections of a bringing hose with a radiator …
4. … and with a thermostat cover...
5. … connections of a taking away hose with a radiator branch pipe …
6. … and with a water distributive pipe.
7. Examine connections of hoses of system of cooling with branch pipes of a radiator of a heater...
8. … bringing …
9. … and taking away unions of throttle knot. In a case подтекания a cooling liquid replace collars of fastening of hoses.
In a stopper of a broad tank two valves are established: inlet and final. The final valve plays large role in maintenance of an optimum temperature mode of the engine. It supports in system superfluous pressure not less than 0,13-0,15 МПа (1,3–1,5 kgs/sm2), providing rise in temperature of the beginning of boiling of a cooling liquid and warning intensive steam formation. Unfortunately, at valve jamming in the closed position at an overheat arises considerable excess of superfluous pressure — more than 0,15 МПа (1,5 kgs/sm2) that can lead to rupture of a broad tank or failure of one of hoses. In turn, valve jamming in open position leads to premature boiling of a cooling liquid.
Therefore once a year wash out a stopper of a broad tank flowing water, and the valve check on absence залипания pressing by a thin screw-driver. If there were doubts, replace a stopper.