4.3.14. Check of a technical condition of details of a forward suspension bracket on the carAll checks and works spend from below the car established on the lift or a viewing ditch (with the hung out forward wheels).
At each maintenance service and repair it is necessary to check a condition of protective covers of spherical support of a suspension bracket, on covers there should not be mechanical damages.
Find out, whether there is on details of a suspension bracket of cracks or traces задевания about road obstacles or a body, a deformation of levers, bars of the stabilizer and its racks, details передка no body in places of fastening of knots and suspension bracket details.
Check up a condition резинометаллических hinges, rubber pillows, spherical hinges of a suspension bracket, and also a condition (deposit) of the top support of telescopic racks of a suspension bracket.
Rezinometallichesky hinges and rubber pillows are subject to replacement at ruptures and unilateral выпучивании rubbers, and also at cutting of their face surfaces.
Fig. 4.2. An arrangement of elements of a forward suspension bracket on the car: 1 – the forward hinge (сайлентблок) the lever of a forward suspension bracket; 2 – амортизаторная a rack; 3 – a spring of a forward suspension bracket; 4 – a spherical support of a rack; 5 – a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 6 – a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 7 – the back hinge (сайлентблок) the lever of a forward suspension bracket; 8 – the lever of a forward suspension bracket
The arrangement of elements of a forward suspension bracket on the car is shown on fig. 4.2.
On rubber details of a suspension bracket are not supposed:
– Signs of ageing of rubber;
– Mechanical damages.
On резинометаллических hinges are not supposed:
– Signs of ageing, a crack, unilateral выпучивание a rubber file;
– A separation of a rubber file from armature.
Faulty details replace.
Special attention turn on mechanical damages (deformations, cracks and so forth) suspension bracket elements, especially levers.
1. Check up a condition of protective covers of spherical support. If covers are damaged, replace spherical support in gathering.
2. Shaking a wheel in a vertical plane, check up spherical support on presence люфтов. If is люфты spherical fingers, replace support.
At rocking of the hung out forward wheel it is difficult to distinguish люфты in bearings of naves and in spherical support. Ask the assistant to press a brake pedal: if and in this case will feel люфт spherical support are faulty.
3. Check up rubber plugs and сайлентблоки in places of fastening of levers to a body.
4. Check up a condition of rubber plugs of racks of the stabilizer of cross-section stability...
5. … and also rubber pillows left …
6. … and the right fastenings of a bar of the stabilizer to a car body.
7. Check up a condition of a protective casing absorber racks.
8. The faulty or damaged details replace.