3.16.1. Wheel replacement
Wheel replacement is shown on car Chevrolet Lanos example
1. Open a luggage carrier (in it there is all necessary for wheel replacement) and, having hooked a finger through an aperture an upholstery of a trunk floor and a cover of a niche for a spare wheel …
2. … cast away a cover together with an upholstery.
3. Turn on and remove a clamp of a spare wheel.
4. Take out a spare wheel from a luggage carrier and put it near to a replaced wheel.
5. Remove a decorative cap, overcoming effort of its fixing spring.
6. Include I transfer and a lay brake. Establish a jack under the car near to a wheel with which it is necessary to replace (see jack Use).
Not to be soiled at wheel replacement, put on gloves and overalls if they are in your car.
7. From an opposite side the car needs to be fixed, having enclosed under forward and back wheels противооткатные an emphasis so that the lifted car could not be displaced forward or back.
8. By means of a jack slightly raise the car but so that the wheel demanding replacement, did not come off road. A ballonnym key ослабьте four bolts of fastening of a wheel.
That it was easier to turn out wheel bolts, it is possible to take advantage not of hands, and a foot, coming from above on the handle баллонного a key.
For simplification of a reversing of bolts it is recommended to get special баллонный a key with the telescopic handle. It is convenient to work and баллонным as a key of the crosswise form.
9. Lift a jack the car so that the wheel has come off road then completely turn out bolts and remove a wheel.
Try, that the car as less as possible time was in the hung out condition with the removed wheel.
Raise the car a jack only on the height necessary for removal and installation of a wheel.
If work on a soft ground, enclose under the jack basis a thick board. Do not apply to this purpose bricks: they easily break up also the car can break from a jack, hard having injured you.
10. Establish a spare wheel to the place of removed, screw fixing bolts against the stop, but do not tighten them …
Rolling bolts, track that them конусные parts were combined with конусными surfaces of apertures in a wheel disk, differently during movement bolts ослабнут and wheel loss is possible.
11. … lower the car and definitively tighten bolts. Tighten wheel bolts cross-wise. In order to avoid damage of a disk of a wheel do not try to "hold on" bolts of fastening of a wheel, pressing a foot the key handle.
To feel necessary effort of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a wheel (the moment of an inhaling 90 Нм), at first apply динамометрический a key.
Do not grease fastening bolts is can lead them самоотворачиванию during car movement.
12. Establish a decorative cap.
13. Before continuing movement, necessarily check up pressure of air in the tyre of the established wheel.
On the car are established бескамерные tyres. If you have not enough skills of installation of tyres, we advise not to try to perform this work independently: one damage боковины — also it is necessary to buy the new tyre or to insert the chamber.
In a desperate situation it is possible to take advantage of the special first-aid set for repair бескамерных tyres without разбортовки or hermetic for tyres. To apply them it is necessary according to the applied instruction.
Than бескамерная the tyre is better chamber? First, бескамерная at a puncture "lowers" very slowly: it is possible, pumping up, weeks to go with a nail in a wheel, there will be no yet a possibility it to repair. Secondly, when at very considerable run from бескамерной tyres will start to act delays металлокорда, it still can be used as a spare wheel. The chamber into such tyre cover to insert it is useless: it will be pierced already at the first inflating.