3.15. Problems with brakes
The brake system of your car is supplied by the vacuum amplifier and is effective enough. Decrease in efficiency of braking, car drift at braking should become a signal for urgent check of brakes.
Regularly check level of a brake liquid in a tank of the main brake cylinder. Level of a brake liquid should be about a label MAX on the tank case.
Falling of level of a liquid testifies or to leak of a brake liquid from system, or about excessive deterioration brake колодок. If in a combination of devices the lamp signalling about low level of a brake liquid has lighted up, do not hurry up at once to add it, at first check up a thickness of overlays brake колодок: can be, has come to replace time колодки?
Manufacturers of the car recommend through 30 000 km of run or 3 years (depending on that will come earlier) to change all brake liquid in system.
Some drivers scorn this opinion as the liquid in a tank seems to them enough pure, and it is absolutely vain. The matter is that a brake liquid very much гигроскопична: it absorbs a moisture from air which not only destroys in due course surfaces of brake cylinders, pipelines and, as consequence, leads to premature failure of knots of brake system, but also essentially reduces temperature of boiling of a brake liquid. Normal temperature of boiling of brake liquids of class DOT-4–210–260 С. At frequent intensive braking disk brakes very strongly heat up, and at the big maintenance of water the brake liquid can boil that, as a rule, leads to refusal of brakes.
Not to subject itself in the future to contingencies for repair not only brake system, but also all car, better in due time to replace a liquid in brake system.
We recommend to replace a brake liquid in 2 years.
At occurrence of problems with brakes pump over brake system ( Prorolling of brake system see ). If it has not given desirable result, it is necessary to check up carefully all brake system as it is described more low (see Check of brake system).